Sponsorship Levels
We need your help! Click on a level below to show everything available with each individual sponsorship.
- Sponsor logo on dedicated signage at the entry and throughout the venue
- Sponsor logo displayed prominently on the back of the T-shirt
- Sponsor will be the onIy sponsor verbally acknowledged on radio and TV advertising Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on all print advertising and Social Media Sponsor may provide their own signage for display at the event
- Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on group sponsor banner and wal k signage Sponsor will be recognized in announcements during the event
- Sponsorship includes 10 registrations with T-Shirts
- Sponsor logo displayed prominently on the back of the T-shirt
- Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on all print advertising and Social Media Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on group sponsor banner and walk signage
- Sponsorship includes 1O registrations with T-Shirts
- Sponsor logo displayed on the back of the T-shirt
- Sponsor logo will be displayed on all print advertising and Social Media Sponsor logo will be displayed on group sponsor banner and walk signage
- -Sponsorship includes 5 registrations with T-Shirts
- Sponsor logo displayed on the back of the T-shirt
- Sponsor logo will be displayed on all print advertising and Social Media Sponsor logo will be displayed on group sponsor banner and walk signage
- Sponsorship includes 2 registrations with T-Shirts
- Sponsor logo or family name will be displayed on Social Media
- Sponsorship includes 4 registrations with T-Shirts